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Intimate portraits reveal your sensual side. This is the work that I specialize in – capturing the essence of your private self; whether in lingerie or nude, softly feminine or confrontational, erotic or exotic.
I work with many people who often wondered what it would be like to be portrayed in this way in images. The results are often a pleasant surprise. Think you’re “just average?” Let me work with you to show you how sexy you are…

“I always wondered what it would be like to have a professional photograph me in a sexy nightgown. Now I know! I look fantastic! Thanks for the great work!”

“I never thought I’d get nude photos done, but one day I thought, “hey, I still look pretty damn good.” I’m glad I decided to try it. These are shots that my husband and I will look at for years to come. He loves them!”

“My boyfriend loves the shots – and I look pretty sexy. I’m in the next round of Hometown Hotties!”


“Even at fifty-one, I look hot!”


“I thought I would be really nervous about doing nude pictures, but you made it very comfortable – thanks Jay!”


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